Vocabulary Quiz (T)
*Give one word*
Begin with *T*
1)A drawer for keeping money,as in a shop.-- *Till*
2)Natural ability to do something well.--- *Talent*
3)A child who stays away from school without permission.-- *Truant*
4)A person who maliciously reveals secret.-- *Talebearer*
5)A pair of small drums played with the hands.-- *Tabla*
6)Food bought at a shop or restaurant for eating elsewhere.--- *Takeaway*
7)An exceptionally long television program to raise money for a charity.--- *Telethon*
8)A person who looks after people or things.--- *Tender*
9)A portable shelter or dwelling of canvas,cloth.--- *Tent*
10)A rope by which an animal is tied to confine it to the spot.--- *Tether*
11)A building for dramatic performances.--- *Theatre*
12)A book that lists words in a group of synonyms and related concepts.--- *Thesaurus*
13)A child who is just beginning to walk.--- *Toddler*
14)A charge payable for permission to pass a barrier or use a road or bridge.--- *Toll*
15)A sequence of words difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly.--- *Tongue twister*
16)Any contest of skill between a number of competitors.--- *Tournament*
17)A play in a verse or prose dealing with unhappy events.-- *Tragedy*
18)A private conversation between two persons.-- *Tete-a-tete*
19)A person who has made a will.--- *Testator*
20)The saying of the same things twice over in different words.--- *Tautology*
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