Vocabulary Quiz (V)

 *Give one word*

Begin with *V*

1)A word used to indicate an action.-- *Verb*

2)A person who has long experience of an occupation.-- *Veteran*

3)A scientic study of viruses.--- *Virology*

4)A long journey by water or space.-- *Voyage*

5)A substance that kills worms.-- *Vermicide*

6)A person guilty and capable of great wickedness.--- *Villian*

7)A person who does not eat animal products.-- *Vegetarian*, *Vegan*

8)The act of bidding farewell.-- *Valediction*

9)A person who willfully or maliciously destroys or damages property.--- *Vandal*

10)A style full of words.--- *Verbose*

11)Change one's decision often.-- *Vacillate*

12)A person having no  habitation.-- *Vagabond*

13)A large country house with an estate./A rented home especially abroad .-- *Villa*

14)An appartus for removing dust.--- *Vacuum cleaner*

15)The left hand page of the open book.-- *Verso*

16)A low area  between hills usually with a stream flowing through it.- *Valley*

17)A document which can be exchanged for goods or services.-- *Voucher*

18)A constitutional rights to reject a legislative enactment.-- *Veto*

19)The range of words known to an individual.-- *Vocabulary*

20)A poisonus fluid secreted by snakes--. *Venom*


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